First Time Homebuyer Workshop April 2024

April 1, 2024

Find out in the First Time Homebuyer workshop designed to guide you step-by-step in how to buy a home for the first time.

You started your business because you wanted a better life for you and your family, to be financially sound and build a legacy. Buying a home can be part of your financial success journey, but do you know if you are ready to buy a home or what it takes to get there? Don’t wonder anymore. Find out in the First Time Homebuyer workshop designed to guide you step-by-step in how to buy a home for the first time. You will learn:

· How to raise your credit

· Which loans and grants to apply for

· How to identify the right so much more.

· Individualized advice from HUD certified counselor (after the workshop)

This workshop is free, but you are required to reserve your seat ahead of time and submit your documentation. Offered by CFNMD’s parent organization Ten North Group

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